An important apsect of the IRM is its ability to include humans as an integral part of a system of systems. This capability provides the user with a method of assessing the impact of reduced manning, identifying unrealistic crew response requirements, and justifying automation in design.
Integrated Recoverability Model™ (IRM)


Crew Behavior

Personnel are modeled with assigned skill sets, protective gear status, and movement attributes.  Components that require manual action to change state (i.e. open/close) or continuous crew attention for proper operation (i.e. combat system consoles) are assigned attributes including the number of crew required for operation, on/off time, situational awareness delays, and priority.  Damage isolation, system reconfiguration, and mission recovery actions are simulated, requiring the crew to move about the ship.  Crew movement during a simulation is affected by the environmental state of compartments, including temperature, smoke density, and flooding.

The IRM database contains all the informarmation needed for crew movement and routing and can provide the shortest and fastest routes to particular areas. It also allows users to define crew starting locations and task assignment for individual scenarios. Other factors can be defined such as movement speed due to crowding, chokepoint avoidance, priority for equipment queing, and rules for portal operation.  

Crew Interaction with Fire and Flooding

Secondary damage can significantly affect crew response time and make critical equipment inacessible. 

The database can include as many alignments as necessary.